Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Logos

1 comment:

  1. Kristin,
    I suggest you choose 2 or 3 directions and limit what you want feedback on. These "wallpaper" images of logos shows implies that you want the faculty to choose a direction for you. We would like you to select your strongest in each direction, then give you feedback.
    I have a question about the logos with 3 dots. Why 3? What are the dots representing? If you go with the 5 stages as a concept, why not 5 dots in different colors? But what if you client can't afford 5-color printing? (major issue for non-profits). But you get the idea how something as simple as dots can stand for something else, especially if they are referenced throughout your campaign. In a different direction, since color could be a problem as solution, perhaps use some of the visual elements that make up the icons to generate the logo -- with word mark.
    I will see you Friday or before?
